
Multi-Tenant Application

Multi-Tenant Application built with REACT (FE) and AWS lambda (API), changes ist behavior content according to a tenant

Feature: Multitenancy, Multitenancy configuration CMS, UI CMS, Dynamic theme, theme CMS, Initialization/Localization, Cloud configuration VW Portal POC Task Page 2 Initialization/Localization, Cloud configuration

Tech stack: HTML5, ES6, SASS (node-sass-chokidar), React, Redux, JEST, react-intel, bootstrap, Webpack, VS Code, NodeJS, ExpressJS, DynamoDB, Git, GitHub, Concourse CI, Docker, AWS CloudFront (S3), AWS Lambda


GIT REPO BE – (Serverless API deployed on AWS)


  • [for Audi: userId : audi, password: demo]
  • [Bugatti: userId : bugatti, password: demo]


Credit Card Validation – Angular Directive

Codepen url –

Valid credit card numbers to test :

Visa : 4532069777249404 , 4916014173889326
Master : 5194775997768660, 5494872713298895
Amex : 340251740623507, 375921122764396
Discover : 6011489471829878 , 6011782582773435

Ref :

LUHN Formula (Mod 10) for Validation of Primary Account Number

Step 1: Double the value of alternate digits of the primary account number beginning with the second digit from the right (the first right–hand digit is the check digit.)

Step 2: Add the individual digits comprising the products obtained in Step 1 to each of the unaffected digits in the original number.

Step 3: The total obtained in Step 2 must be a number ending in zero (30, 40, 50, etc.) for the account number to be validated.

Prefix, Length, and Check Digit Criteria

CARD TYPE Prefix Length Check digit algorithm
MASTERCARD 51-55 16 mod 10
VISA 4 13, 16 mod 10

15 mod 10
Diners Club/
Carte Blanche
14 mod 10
Discover 6011 16 mod 10
enRoute 2014
15 any
JCB 3 16 mod 10
JCB 2131
15 mod 10

Liferay 6.2 Parent and Child theme

First create Parent Theme

  • Go to File → New → Liferay Project.
  • Fill in the Project name and Display name fields.
  • Select the Liferay Plugins SDK and Portal Runtime you’ve configured.
  • Select Theme for your Plugin type.
  • Click Next.


  • Select a theme parent. Your theme inherits the parent theme’s styling as a base from
    which to build your theme. In addition to the _styled theme, you can choose to inherit
    from the _unstyled theme, which contains no styling. There’s also the classic theme
    that has a smooth look and feel and works well. I have chosen “classic”
  • Select your theme’s framework. You can select the Freemarker or Velocity template
    frameworks for your theme. I have chosen “Velocity”


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