How to convert Alloy Tabs into Liferay 6.2 advance web content using velocity template

Visit Alloy UI Tab page to understand the functionality about AUI tab plugin –

STEP1: Create Web Content

In DockBar click on Admin > Content – in left nav click on ‘Web content’
Click on Add > Basic Web content

STEP 2: Add/Create structure

Create structure add fields to get tabs input.
Add filed
Tab ID – as textbox,
Tab Name – textbox
Tab Content – HtmlTextbox
Save the structure

Structure Code:

——————————————————–Click here for more————————————————-

STEP 3: Add/Create Template

Select Velocity template
Set variables
#set($debug = "false ")

#set($tabCnt = 0)
#if (!$tabs.getSiblings().isEmpty())

Add AUI tab container
<div id="tabWebContent">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">

Add loop to get no od tabs
#foreach ($tab in $tabs.getSiblings())
#set($tabCnt = $tabCnt + 1)
#set($tabId = "tab-" + $tabCnt)
#set($uiId = "ui-id-" + $tabCnt)

Check null value and Add tab name template
#if($tab.getData() != "null")
<li><a href="#$tabId">$tab.tabName.getData()</a></li>

End first loop

End UL

Add tab content container
<div class="tab-content">

Add tabs content template
#set($tabCnt = 0)
#foreach ($tab in $tabs.getSiblings())
#set($tabCnt = $tabCnt + 1)
#set($tabId = "tab-" + $tabCnt)
#set($uiId = "ui-id-" + $tabCnt)
#if($tab.getData() != "null")
<div id="#$tabId" class="tab-pane">

Close tab content container

Close tab main container

End first if condition

STEP4 – Add AUI/YUI script

Add script within structure after the all the code

function(Y) {
new Y.TabView(
srcNode: '#tabWebContent'

Save the template

STEP5 – Add content and publish the web content.

Template code –

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